As part of the exhibits filed by the U.S. Attorney’s Office in today’s sentencing of Harry Thomas Jr., we learn a little bit more about where the disgraced former Ward 5 councilmember spent more than $350,000 of public money he stole.

For instance, when Thomas bought a $22,499 Victory motorcyle, he also spent more than $700 bucks on motorcycle apparel from a store in White Plains, Md. Those purchases include:

  • A leather shirt: $149.99
  • Chaps: $89.99 (LL called the store and confirmed that the chaps were, indeed, made of leather)
  • Novelty “Eagle” hat: $39.95
  • “Boss” leather jacket: $359.99

As for the previously mentioned three pair of “exotic shoes” that Thomas dropped $1,374 on, the exhibits don’t provide any details on what kind of shoes they were. However, the receipts appear to show that Thomas at least shopped local, buying all three pairs of shoes at George’s Place, the now-closed men’s clothing store on H Street.

The exhibit listing Thomas’ purchases posted below. Some of the records may look familiar, as LL got ahold of some of Thomas’ bank records last summer.

Update: LL forgot to add that the newly released bank records show that Thomas also spent $910 of your taxes at a perfume store and $2,127.18 at Circuit City, among other purchases. Take a look:

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Photo by dibytes via Flickr/CC Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0