Oh man, is it really campaign season? It is when the primary is less than four (!) months away. On that note, today’s biggest election news is that Ward 7 candidate Kevin Chavous the Younger has nabbed a noteworthy endorsement.

Readers may recall that LL reported this summer on a sizable group of Ward 7 activists were unhappy with Councilmember Yvette Alexander and were shopping for a new candidate. (Hint: it was the story that featured this line from Ron Moten: “What I get erections from is helping my people.” A line which, LL reminds you, was not intended literally.)

That group, which calls itself the Ward 7 Concerned Citizens Coalition and was organized by Tony Williams supporter Paul Savage, has decided to support Chavous. The endorsement, though, wasn’t unanimous and the Chavous’ campaign kinda implied in a news release that at least one member of the group endorsed him when she did not.

“The Ward 7 Concerned Citizens Coalition endorsed Kevin B. Chavous because he is a product of Ward 7 and he brings intellect, energy, vision and the willingness to listen to the residents of the ward,” the Chavous campaign said in a statement.