Washington City Paper embarked Sunday afternoon upon an SUV-assisted inspection of various notable persons’ sidewalks. Did they comply with their civic duty to clear walkways for pedestrians within eight daylight hours after the snowfall ended?

Adrian M. Fenty

Position: mayor of the District of Columbia

Address: 4712 17th St. NW (Crestwood)

Observations: Fenty’s come in for some listserv-driven grief over his relatively well-plowed block. Whatever—-he’s the mayor; he’s gotta get out and run the city. Fenty wins kudos anyway for being a good snow neighbor. By late Sunday afternoon, the sidewalks in front of his Crestwood rambler were well-cleared (albeit with some minor icing), including a path to the police security shack located next to the house. That raises the question—-did the cops do the shoveling? Said the officer on duty Sunday, “I have no idea.”

Grade: A

Path to guard shack: