It’s only been four months since Daily Dish blogtrepeneur Andrew Sullivan moved from his Adams Morgan apartment to New York, but it seems like it’s been longer. With Sullivan gone, Adams Morgan residents haven’t had anyone to creepshot as he eats at Subway. The neighborhood is bereft.

Fortunately, it seems like Sullivan’s stay in the Big Apple can’t possibly last much longer, because he really hates it. Today, in a blog post titled “New York Shitty, Ctd.,” Sullivan laments how incompetent nearly everyone in New York is. He’s mad about a few bad encounters with barbers as he attempts to tame his beard, including one barber who broke his iPad.

Still, the barbers aren’t the only problem Sullivan sees in New York. Sullivan finds problems with the WiFi’s connection to his speakers, the building superintendents, the pharmacists—-everything. “It doesn’t really get much better, you just get used to living in one of the least competent, self-loving cities I’ve ever known,” writes a defeated Sullivan.

This isn’t the first time Sullivan has been down about his new city. In the original “New York Shitty,” Sullivan’s lengthy shit list included entries for furniture delivery services, New York-area Best Buy outlets, his apartment size, the water temperatures, his cable box, and his DVR. “Will it get better?” he moaned. “Please tell me it gets better.”

Sullivan is clearly unhappy in New York, so I’ll say this: Andrew, come back. We miss seeing you hanging around the Diner, or wearing ugly T-shirts. In exchange, we will meet all of your gadget- and beard-related needs, which seem extensive.

This is a good deal for New Yorkers, too, since you’ll stop giving their barbers ulcers (have you considered a beard trimmer?). The end of your employment with the Daily Beast means you have one fewer reason to stay in the city, too. So, when your lease runs out later this year, how about hopping an Amtrak south?

Photo via Wikimedia Commons