Credit: Darrow Montgomery

In the Ward 7 D.C. Council, Vince Gray‘s polls and his bank account put him ahead of incumbent Yvette Alexander. With the Democratic primary just one day away, Gray now thinks that he has enough of a lead in his own race that he can start helping out other candidates with his campaign treasury. 

Gray’s campaign is funding a new robocall hitting Ward 8 phones promoting Trayon White, the leading challenger in the ward’s Council race. Like Gray, White is challenging a Muriel Bowser ally: Ward 8 Councilmember LaRuby May

In the call, Gray promotes White as an “independent thinker.” To LL, that looks like not-so-veiled code pointing at May’s closeness with the mayor. 

“Ward 8 needs a leader, and that person is Trayon White,” Gray says on the call.