Jack Evans ride ride
Jack Evans ride ride Credit: Darrow Montgomery/File

Update, 7:30 p.m. Jack Evans called LL to update him on the current status of the Sebring. The window is not busted out, as LL previously reported; it’s simply rolled down. There may be damage to the axle, but the car will survive. The Sebring should be parked in front of the Wilson Building within a matter of weeks.


Please keep Ward 2 Councilmember Jack Evans’ ride your thoughts and prayers, D.C. The old girl isn’t doing so well.

An anonymous tipster sent LL a few pictures of Evans’ beloved Chrysler Sebring all dented up with the passenger side window completely blown out.

Evans’ attorney, Mark Tuohey, tells LL that Evans was driving the Sebring when an Uber driver crashed into him at 28th and M St. NW last week. Tuohey says the car is being repaired and doesn’t suspect that it’s totaled. Chrysler last produced Sebrings in 2010, so fingers crossed the car isn’t totally dunzo. LL will let his readers decide for themselves based on the pictures.  

Tuohey also says that Evans told him the wreck was the Uber driver’s fault and that her insurance is taking care of it. There is also a police report on file, Tuohey says, which LL has not gotten a copy of.

“No one was injured, thank god,” Tuohey says. 

Today marks a significant moment in D.C. history, with the possible passing of one of the city’s most beloved, if not complicated, vehicles. Evans and his Sebring have been caught on camera in precarious parking positions for years. So much so that it’s become a part of their brand. 

Were you to confront Evans about his offensive parking habits, he will tell you that the Council has exempted its members from the parking laws that the rest of us must obey (as long as they’re on official Council duty.)