I am an advertiser in your paper. I think your recent article concerning the race riot of 1919 (“Lost Riot,” 4/3) was disgraceful. It was the epitome of irresponsible journalism. Why you think an article like this is good for the Washington community is beyond my comprehension.

I am a native Washingtonian, and during the ’68 riots I watched this city destroy itself. What scares me is that people like you think it could never happen again—I disagree.

I believe you have a responsibility to this community to help it prosper, not get worse. There are a lot of people in this community who try to work toward racial harmony, and obviously you feel this is not worth putting in your paper. If you want to continue to have a community to read your paper, you should start accentuating the positive, not the negative.

I’m not asking you not to tell the truth—I don’t dispute the facts—but please write about what’s relevant to today’s youth in getting along together.

Whitlow’s on Wilson

Arlington, Va.