So what are furloughed government employees doing during the shutdown? Drinking and eating as much free food as possible, if the numbers below are any indication. We called up a number of bars and restaurants offering shutdown specials to see how much free stuff they gave away yesterday.

Pork Barrel BBQ in Del Rey gave out just over 400 free pulled pork sandwiches and ran out by 8 p.m. Owner Bill Blackburn says they’re set to break that record today; there’s already a line out the door.

Madam’s Organ served up 87 free beers during happy hour.

Vendetta poured 45 glasses of free prosecco on draft.

Capitol Lounge gave out 140 draft beers—the equivalent of just over a keg.

The Daily Dish in Silver Spring handed out between 25 and 30 free coffees.

Glen’s Garden Market dispensed 25 free pints of beer yesterday for day drinkers from 10 a.m. to noon. Today that number was 10.

Range in Chevy Chase served 35 free margherita pizzas.

Photo via Shutterstock