The day D.C. beer fans have been waiting for has finally arrived: Starting tonight at Meridian Pint, the first production beer brewed in the District in over 50 years will be available for consumption.

After months of planning, DC Brau, the first in a wave of breweries to open locally this year, is going public (so to speak) with The Public, their 6 percent alcohol-by-volume American pale ale. Festivities begin at 5 p.m. today, with the history-making brew on special for $4 per pint until 8. The Public then goes up to $5 and will be available exclusively at Meridian Pint through Sunday.

The Pint’s 15 kegs should last the weekend, so if you are afraid of running into all 2,000 of DC Brau’s Facebook friends this evening, try Saturday or Sunday. Those who brave the crowds tonight can meet the brewers and win some DC Brau schwag, including the commemorative flags Meridian Pint is hoisting for the occasion. At 8 p.m., brewery founders Brandon Skall and Jeff Hancock will award a flag to whomever best personifies, in costume and character, each of the following categories:  (1) D.C. Pride, (2) Taxation without Representation, (3) Craft Beer in Cans, (4) Corruption and (5) Environmental Awareness.

Sounds like a challenge, especially with only a few hours notice, but I have faith in your creativity. In the meantime, check out previous posts for more about DC Brau and D.C.’s brewery boom.

Photo by Tammy Tuck

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