For years, the District was stuck in street-food adolescence, with folks forever noshing on hot dogs and candy, but suddenly the city has begun to show signs of maturity. In recent days, the Post‘s food team has introduced us to two new or forthcoming street options: the Fojol Bros. and a food-cart partnership between Zola and D.C. Central Kitchen.

The Fojol concept is a sort of cheeky amalgamation of influences —- part Ken Kesey‘s Furthur bus, part Indian cuisine, and part Kogi Korean BBQ to Go, arguably the most famous food truck in Los Angeles. Like Kogi, the Fojol truck roams the District, alerting fans to its whereabouts through a designated Twitter feed. Unlike Kogi, the Fojol Bros. rely on a ton of shtick —- fake mustaches, colorful turbans, and a converted 1965 bread truck that looks like it could be hiding 10,000 circus clowns. The Post has a righteous slide show on the truck.

Kogi, of course, has become legend in LA simply because of its food, including a Korean short-ribs taco that makes my mouth water just thinking about it. Y&H can’t wait to see how the Fojol fare stacks up.

The Zola/DCCK truck is scheduled to hit the corner of Ninth and F streets NW in a few weeks. As Tom Sietsema noted last week, the cart will be open for “breakfast, lunch and dinner. Among the draws will be lamb meatball and steak-and-cheese sandwiches, and budget-friendly ($3 to $5) prices.”

In the meantime, just over the District line, you can bite into some terrific Egyptian-style falafel from the Ali Baba‘s truck in Bethesda.

Photo by a loves dc