* Older, but good: Sex blogger Hey Epiphora on why writing about sex is not an invitation for harassment. Of interest to any reader who has ever, ever considered sending a message like this one to his favorite writer:

Dude: horny?

* Holly Kearl of Stop Street Harassment writes an op-ed on harassment of women runners, and offers some thoughts for positive action:

— Men, don’t harass women—-including whistling and honking.

— Everyone should take women’s harassment complaints seriously.

— Everyone should help women they see being harassed.

— Women should report harassers.

— We can brainstorm creative ways to deal with harassers, such as issuing fake citations (until real laws are passed).

* Via Jen at Gold Sound, a quick hit on rape advice by Katie Arb:

If we are so concerned though about young men getting drunk at a party, sleeping with another drunk woman, and later being falsely accused of rape (through misunderstanding, I suppose), then why do we direct all of our “advice” only at women? Why not recommend young men take the same advice that we give young women? Don’t get drunk, don’t go to parties/clubs, don’t engage in any sexual behavior at parties, and whatever you do, don’t go home with a girl or invite her to your room.

* Via Salon, it’s the action-figure Brontë sisters. When their powers combine, they become a Brontësaurus:


* Barney Frank says he supports transgender protections in ENDA, so why the fuck is he talking like this?:

“There’s no chance of doing it without it,” he said of the transgender protections.

Frank said he’s told wavering Democrats that “the principle is the same. It’s discrimination.”

He said concessions were made in the drafting of the language to address moderates’ concerns. For instance, Frank said, transgender people with “one set of genitals” would not be able to go to a bathroom for people with another set of genitals.

And, Frank said, they also would have to have a “consistent gender presentation” in order to be able to sue for discrimination.

“They can’t sit there with a full beard and a dress,” Frank said.

Photo via The National Archives UK