What would a city election be without some last minute, over-the-top secret attacks?

Residents of Ward 8 woke up this morning to find flyers on their cars giving them 11 reasons not to vote for D.C. Council candidate Jacque Patterson, who is among several candidates trying to dethrone incumbent Marion Barry.

The 11 reasons include Patterson’s time at the working for the Federal City Council and his endorsement by The Washington Post, two organizations the flyer says are enemies of the “poor and disposed.” Also, the flyer says that in general, Patterson is not a man of his word and “CANNOT BE TRUSTED BY ANYONE.”

LL’s still trying to figure out who is behind the campaign literature (posted below, for your reading pleasure). The flyers say they were paid for “Concerned Residents of Ward 8,” which, not surprisingly, is not a group that’s filed paperwork with the Office of Campaign Finance.

Dennis Harvey, Barry’s godson, tells LL he knows which campaign was behind the fliers, but won’t say who other than to say that it wasn’t Barry. (One of Barry’s neighbors says Barry’s car went unflyered this morning). Harvey says he’s not pleased about a voicemail he received today from Patterson’s campaign manager, Ron Williams. In the voicemail, which Harvey played for LL, Williams tells Harvey, “I’m going to fuck you up,” if he’s behind the fliers. Harvey says he’s going to report Williams’ remarks to the police and the Board of Elections and Ethics.

Williams says he and Harvey routinely talk trash and Harvey’s just playing games. “We’re friends, we talk shit,” says Williams. Williams says he now knows which campaign was behind the fliers (not Barry’s). LL, however, is still looking for proof that Williams’ and Harvey’s assertions are correct. LL just tried calling each candidate, and none of them picked up. Darrell Gaston, another candidate, just called LL back to say his campaign didn’t distribute the flyers, and he doesn’t know who did.

More as LL gets it. Behold, the flyer:

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