Question No. 1: Where is the worst place to conduct an extramarital affair? Your office in the Reeves Center, or a city-owned car in the parking garage of the Reeves Center?

Answer: All of the above.

Question No. 2: What is the worst thing you can do after having an affair in both a Reeves Center office and the parking garage? Answer: Engage in dirty sex talk on your email account.

A recent report by the Inspector General says two city officials misused city property by “engaging in sexual activity” in a Reeves Center office and a city-owned car in the building’s parking garage. The employees, a female District Department of Transportation staffer and a male Office of Unified Communications worker, also used their government-issued email and smartphones to send “sexually explicit” messages to each other.

But that’s not all. The husband of the DDOT worker, another city employee in a different agency, improperly accessed his wife’s email account (wonder why) and made an “unauthorized entry” of her office where he removed items without her permission, the IG concludes. The IG report also says that the husband may have been “less than truthful” when talking to investigators (again, wonder why?).

The IG recommends that each of the employees’ bosses address their subordinates’ behavior with the “appropriate administrative action.”

As it happens, way back in March, an anonymous source had sent LL a copy of these sexually explicit emails. So here they are. An unedited sampling:

From the UOC employee in October 2010: “Baby I wanna make love to u again doing it in ur office was crazy.”

From the DDOT employee a few days later: “I would like to see you again, even if it were just at a quickie in my office.”

From the DDOT employee a few days after that: “I would not have been able to make love with you in the bed my husband and I share, in my office, or in the work car, had I not been in love with you. …”

From the UOC employee, ten minutes later: ” … can we enjoy the present, and think about the future later, and if u feel like that this is too much for you be honest and just walk away. Ur still married and I have other relationships…  I want to enjoy our time together, when I come to ur office I will pick u up and take u home, I won’t try and get intimate in ur office anymore baby…”

Okay, that’s enough of that. How about LL just lets you read the emails yourself!

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Photo by Lydia DePillis