LL just got off the horn with Attorney General Peter Nickles, who says the next court date in the Team Thomas saga is set for Dec. 8.

Below is a copy of the petition for enforcement Nickles’ office filed today, asking a judge to enforce a subpoena for more detailed financial records of Ward 5 Councilmember Harry Thomas Jr.‘s youth sports non-profit. Thomas, you’ll recall, blew off yesterday’s deadline to answer Nickles’ subpoena and said this morning on Newstalk with Bruce DePuyt that Nickles is using his last months in office to try and extract some payback for, among other things, Thomas not voting to approve him as A.G.

Nickles also tacked on a request that Thomas cover court costs and attorney fees in addition to answering the subpoena. Asked how much that might be, Nickles said that a reasonable rate for this time would be about $450 to $500 an hour. Asked how many hours he and Bennett Rushkoff, the chief of the public advocacy section of the A.G.’s office, have spent working on the Team Thomas case, Nickles says: “quite a few.”

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Photo by Darrow Montgomery