The D.C. Public Library released proposals Friday by the three teams officials selected in December to present ideas for redesigning the system’s flagship downtown Martin Luther King Jr. Library—but exactly how involved the renovations would be is still unknown.

All three groups—Mecanoo/Martinez + Johnson Architecture; Patkau Architects/Ayers Saint Gross with Krueck + Sexton; and STUDIOS Architecture/The Freelon Group—were asked to design both a standalone library and a more elaborate mixed-use project that would incorporate both the library and some commercial or residential functions. “No decisions have been made on the type or extent of the renovations or additions to the library,” a library press release today says.

All the designs will be on display at the MLK Library, at neighborhood libraries, and in a public meeting on Feb. 15. Click below to see what they look like and read the proposals.

Patkau Architects/Ayers Saint Gross with Krueck + Sexton

The full proposal:

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Mecanoo/Martinez + Johnson Architecture

The full proposal:

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STUDIOS Architecture/The Freelon Group

The full proposal:

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