The Post is reporting that is looking into new ways to beef up parking enforcement. Guess what? More cameras! The Post writes: “The swift and unblinking eye of the mobile parking camera might be coming your way. The District’s Department of Public Works is evaluating several systems that would enable parking officers to swing quickly through a neighborhood with a license plate reader or similar technology to catch violators.”

Columbia Heights News is reporting that REI is interested in opening up a shop in the District.

Prince of Petworth finally visits Cork and declares it “awesome.”

The Examiner reports that CFO Natwar Gandhi views using the District’s budget surplus to pay for a soccer stadium as risky.

The Vinyl District unloads some super power pop. But shit, was power pop all that good? It’s just such an overrated genre. Just go and buy some Big Star and forget the rest. If you don’t believe me, watch this “classic”:

TPM reports on a new CNN poll showing Obama and Clinton in a virtual tie in Texas.