The number of Capital Bikeshare trips taken by people without long-term memberships more than doubled this morning as compared to last Wednesday morning, according to the District Department of Transportation.

The number of trips also spiked about 16 percent over those taken last Wednesday morning, thanks in large part to Metrorail’s closure and the nice weather today. DDOT has additionally offered free 24-hour memberships for Capital Bikeshare at all stations today, although usage fees still apply.

An agency spokesperson says the District saw heavier traffic than normal this morning, with rush hour going a bit past 10 a.m. “We anticipate more of the same on the evning rush hour,” he says. “We’ll have our resources out in the field doing our best to keep things moving as smoothly as possible. We are encouraging people to exercise patience.”

Based on Capital Bikeshare’s station map, it seems that many commuters indeed used the service to get downtown, where bikes are more widely available right now than elsewhere. Notably, D.C. provided corral service (meaning workers were on hand to store bikes in vehicles) at three stations in or near Foggy Bottom, Metro Center, and Union Station from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m on Wednesday.

Not everyone’s commute went smoothly this morning, though. The Post reports that three D.C. Circulator buses broke down today.

Photo by Darrow Montgomery; screenshot via Capital Bikeshare station map