The Germans must have a lengthy word for the emotional sensation, on account of a Howard Kurtz post,of being made to feel sympathy for Sally Quinn. (Think schadenfreude, but without all the righteous pleasure.)

Kurtz, in a rather Howard Kurtzian fashion, today wrote a mind-boggling article for his new employer Fox News attacking Quinn’s daughter-in-law, Pari Bradlee, for what he deemed her “R-rated” Facebook pictures. Quinn is married to former Washington Post Executive Editor Ben Bradlee. Pari, who is married to Quinn and Bradlee’s son, is a yoga and fitness instructor, not a public figure.

“Her new profile picture, in a Swiss-cheese bra that leaves little to the imagination and long black leather sleeves and briefs, is so revealing that it drew a torrent of breathless comments. In another just-posted photo she is nude, shot from the back, twisting one arm behind her,” writes Kurtz, a former Post media critic who recently left CNN not long after being fired from his correctionriddled stint at Newsweek/Daily Beast.

Kurtz then turns philosophical, chewing on What This All Says about Pari Bradlee.

“From one perspective, Pari Bradlee’s provocative poses might be viewed as a quick way to grab attention, especially in contrast to Washington’s buttoned-down culture. ” (Meanwhile, in an earlier post today, Kurtz pondered why the media has “gorged” on Miley Cyrus‘ scantily clad performance at the MTV Video Music Awards.)

Now Quinn, a longtime Post staffer, On Faith editor, and social etiquette expert, wasn’t too happy about all this, telling Media Matters, “I thought Howard was a decent guy, I thought he was my friend and I’m appalled and really heartbroken that he would do something like this. Why would you want to hurt somebody?”

So, for not the first time we ask, “Why, Howie, Why?”

And in case you were curious, below is Howard Kurtz’s A+ Facebook profile picture.

Sally Quinn photo by Financial Times photos via Wikimedia Commons