If you’re pregnant in 2013 and want a unique name for your baby, stay away from William or Sophia. In 2011, the two names kept the top spots for male and female babies born in the District that they held in 2011, according to data released today by the Social Security Administration.

While Sophia only grabbed the title for female babies from Madison in 2011, William has been on a nearly decade-long run since beating out previous top name Michael in 2004.

While the boys’ list is about what you’d expect, the top 10 girls’ names have a surprising entry: Genesis, which jumped to No. 5 from 42 in 2011. Why is everyone naming their babies “Genesis?” So far, the Social Security Administration isn’t speculating. Below, the top 10 girls and boys name in D.C. last year.

Top Ten Names for Boys in D.C.

  1. William
  2. Alexander
  3. Henry
  4. John
  5. James
  6. Daniel
  7. Benjamin
  8. Samuel
  9. David
  10. Jacob

Top Ten Names for Girls in D.C.

  1. Sophia
  2. Emma
  3. Olivia
  4. Charlotte
  5. Genesis
  6. Sofia
  7. Ava
  8. Chloe
  9. Madison
  10. Zoe

Baby photo by Shutterstock