With Thanksgiving a little more than a week away, it’s time for a Washington tradition: Councilmember Marion Barry‘s occasionally troubled Thanksgiving turkey giveaway in Ward 8. But can Barry’s free birds tell us something, somehow, about Democratic opposition to voter ID laws?

The Web operation of conservative ragebot Michelle Malkin thinks so. After Barry tweeted information about the giveaway on Thursday, including a requirement that residents prove that they live in Ward 8 with a photo ID, Malkin’s Twitchy website pounced.

“Photo ID required?” wrote a staffer at Twitchy. “Why is Democrat Marion Barry suppressing the right to free Thanksgiving turkeys?”

Of course, the difference between a vote and a turkey is that a turkey is not a constitutionally-protected right—-no matter how often it can seem like it in the District. Last year, Barry attempted to add several requirements for turkey access, like attendance at Ward 8 community meetings, but was forced to drop them after an outrcry.

Photo by Darrow Montgomery