Police Chief Cathy Lanier will remain at her post. As Fraternal Order of Police leader Kris Baumannn walked into the 1:30 Reeves Center press conference in which Mayor-to-be Vince Gray would announce that the police chief would be staying on, he wasn’t happy. Neither were the rank and file officers of the department, Baumann claimed by phone.

“They’re furious,” he says.

Baumann says Lanier isn’t exactly lauded among the lower ranks, particularly since she’s taken an annual 10 percent raise during a three-year stretch in which those ranks didn’t receive their usual 3 percent raise. There have been other controversies as well. Baumann says Gray promised that those officers would have a say in whether Lanier stayed, but didn’t end up involving them in the decision process. “Instead, they went with the status quo,” he says.

Check back for more on Lanier later today.

Photo by Darrow Montgomery