The new Twitter icon for @TWTSports—what used to be the Sports department of the Washington Times—says it all: FIRED.

The Sports Desk—the whole, entire Sports Desk—is no more, a casualty of the massacre going on over at the Times newsroom. But the Sports Desk tweets live on!

The released staff writers are still in control of the Twitter account, for now at least, and they’ve been offering up some juicy stuff.

-RT @coreymull: As good as @TWTSports was, remember that it was just a loss leader for garbage like this:

Maryland played awful tonight because they were saddened to learn of @D1scourse no longer working at @TWTSports.

-Teams that won: Unification Church RT @dcsportsbog Teams that lost their last home game with TWT beat writer: Skins, Caps, Wiz, Terps BB, FB

-Also, again want to encourage everyone to pick up Friday’s section. We didn’t need to put this much effort in but decided to anyway.

Now that @TWTSports is no more, we’re soliciting suggestions on what to do with the account. Fire away *get it?*.

So: Who says revenge isn’t sweet?

Notes former City Paper intern Ryan Reilly, also via Twitter: “If you’re going to kill an entire section of a newspaper, it’s probably a good idea to get Twitter password.”