Via DCist, blogger Nikolas Schiller says he stood up for himself and fought back when some kids pretending to have a gun told him to empty his pockets on his doorstep. They beat him up but he kept his stuff. So … Nikolas, what exactly was in your pockets to make you take such a stupid risk?

Joe and Valerie Wilson want to take Novak’s typewriter and his keys.

The Post offers more disturbing news about the PG County jail, where some guards have serious arrest records. Still no news on the strangulation death of inmate Ronnie White.

Wonkette links to a mysterious trailer for a reality TV show on young, debauched DC elites. No, not that one. This is probably just a Paultard goof.

The Prince of Petworth finds baffling graffiti, and apparently has a thing for glue.

And to the dweebs who tried to steal my scooter, dragging it a block away and forcing the steering mechanism until it broke, why did you leave a brick on my seat?