Last night’s Democratic debate on PBS was a first on several fronts: It was the first time the candidates focused on minority issues before a panel of minority journalists. It was a first for Howard U, which had never hosted a presidential debate. And it was the first time bloggers got official media cred.

They had to give up a little pride though, as in: “You’re with” wasn’t going to cut it. Bloggers had to ban together under the Media Bloggers Association to get their seat at the table, located, incidentally, in a different building entirely. (The “media center” was set up in Blackburn Student Center instead of Cramton Auditorium, where seats were reserved for Cornel West, et al.) So what came out of their all-access pass? How about a video comparing Sharpton‘s scowl to a chipmunk on YouTube? Good stuff!

What I want to know is how come none of them caught the giant hole in the ass of the pants worn by the handler for Mike “These Prices are InSANE!” Gravel? According to one eyewitness, the guy’s briefs were on display every time he got up to wipe the sweaty brow of his guy. And no one thought to take a photo? If you have one, send it over.