Brokencyde’s new music video, “Freaxxx,” has been making the critical rounds, taking its first bashing at The Stranger’s Slog, and another lickin’ on Videogum. I’ve imbedded the video below in hopes of inspiring a few more reader submissions for Washington City Paper’s year-end music video write-up.

Brokencyde – Freaxxx (Music Video) from Eat Cake Films on Vimeo.

Brokencyde is a popular act in the growing genre of screamo electronica. Mark Athitakis hates them. You probably will, too. I’m tempted to give them the same treatment that I did a similar act, but I kind of like them (especially their screamo cover of Flo Rida’s “Low”). Despite being vapid and generic, the music is fun and the screaming is top-notch.

And seeing as my iTunes library is 65% emo(think Brand New & TBS, not Rites of Spring), one could successfully argue that I’d be heaving stones from the parapet atop my glass mansion.

Feel free to unleash your anti-screamo/crunk invective in the comments.