The country is pretty fucked up right now. There’s a mass shooting everywhere you turn, and at least one presidential candidate wants to ban all Muslims from the United States. That’s not to mention the ongoing strife between blacks and law enforcement: It seems the cops can kill anyone with brown skin and get away with it. Producer Will Eastman and Beauty Pill frontman Chad Clark channel all that rage on “Rattlesnakes,” a brand new collaborative track which we’re premiering today.

On it, Clark continues the thoughtful ethos he perfected on his album of the year contender Beauty Pill Describes Things As They Are. “Where is the wisdom we lost in knowledge?” he asks on “Rattlesnakes.” “Where is the knowledge we lost in information?” Clark offers a voyeuristic perspective that, despite the song’s accelerated pace, encourages the public to slow down and look behind the curtain to see what’s real: “The cooing demon of the Pageview Age/You can flirt with the widow when you’re at the wake.”

At its core, “Rattlesnakes” is about cutting through the bullshit. It’s about moving past widespread rhetoric to start a real dialogue about societal ills. “I think the role of the artist is to tell the truth, even if it’s in conveying a perspective that starts dialog,” Eastman says in an email. “The notion of the rattlesnake behind the glass … is to me a metaphor for how the greatest thing we have to fear is fear itself.”