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Yesterday Scoutmob, the Jason Schwartzman of deal sites, put a question to its public (and to me on Twitter): What should the official song of D.C. be? Easy answer: “Chocolate City.”

But at least one person recommended a solid indie-pop alternative (that, like “Chocolate City,” was not penned by a D.C. native): The Magnetic Fields‘ classic “Washington, D.C.” To be fair, our city’s starring role in that song probably has more to do with its rhyming possibilities than Stephin Merritt‘s affection for the District; its perspective (“It’s not the cherries everywhere in bloom/It’s not the way they put folks on the moon”) is definitely an outsider’s. Maybe that’s why the song appealed to the Swedish band We Are Serenades, which is recording a series of “music postcards” for its current U.S. tour. For the verse, they take a national-anthem-before-a-sporting-event approach: a cappella, reverbed, respectful. All I have to say about the cheerleader chorus: Next time with more gusto!

I wonder how Paris feels about We Are Serenades’ John Cale cover.

We Are Serenades performs with Bike Trip at 8 p.m. on May 7 at the Black Cat. $10.