This weekend you can meet local cartoonists at a free program at the DC Public Library.  Shannon “G.I. Joe” Gallant, Matt “Politico” Wuerker, Andrew “Trickster” Cohen, Evan “DC Conspiracy” Keeling and Ben “Dirtfarm” Classen will be speaking on creating various types of comics. The panel will be moderated by me, your Washington City Paper comics reporter. We’ll discuss how the cartoonists got started; how creating a comic book, political cartoon, a self-published ‘zine, or a weekly comic strip differ from each other; what the future of cartooning looks like; and anything else we can squeeze into an hour and a half.  Bring your library card, too, because the library has got comics just waiting to be checked out. Join us at 1 p.m. on Saturday, June 26 at Northwest One Neighborhood Library, 155 L St. NW at New Jersey Ave.