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Your next seven days should be filled with laughter. The following could help.

I want an all Randy special. Aziz is funny as Aziz, he’s more than proven that with his first special, Intimate Moments for a Sensual Evening and on two seasons of Human Giant, Randy is needed. The funniest character in a movie that supposed to be about funny people, Randy represents everything awful with comedy. If you don’t believe me, attend any open mic sober.

This stop will be recorded for Aziz’s next stand-up special, probably called Dangerously Delicious since it’s the name of his tour. 100 percent new material is guaranteed. Set in a beautiful theater, this is easily the pick of the week. 7 and 10 p.m., $35, all ages

Saturday, June 18: Chris White at DC Improv
D.C. comedy veteran Chris White is recording his second album on home turf. Based around topics his friends and random Internet folk have suggested he cover over the years, I Take Requests will hopefully become a greatest hits compilation of odd topics. White has been doing “The Chris White Challenge” since 2006 and this will be the culmination of six years of being smart about getting new topic ideas.
8 p.m., $10, 21+

Sunday, June 19: WWE at Verizon Center
If you don’t think the WWE is hilarious, look again. These guys are athletes and comedians. Each one of these performers has to be as visually goofy and flexible as Buster Keaton and as well-developed as an Andy Kaufman character. It’s a soap opera with carnival barkers commentating on homoerotic and homophobic behavior. Sometimes there are pyrotechnics. This Pay-Per-View event means all the tricks of the trade will be rolled out. My prediction is that if the NFL doesn’t have a season, WWE might be as popular as it was a decade ago. If you’re not sure if this is supposed to be funny, just look at the poster and tell me these guys don’t have a great sense of humor. 7:45 p.m., $25-$300, all-ages

Monday, June 20: 16 Candles at Crystal Screen
Hooray for teen comedies! The undisputed champion of the 1980s, the late, great John Hughes should be honored between every prom and graduation on a daily basis. The only director to encompass how shitty it is to be 15-17 regardless of your social ranking, the man did no wrong between 1982 and 1989. Sixteen Candles, his first film as a director, has been parodied and referenced so much it’s difficult to remember why it still resonates. Remind yourself at this outdoor screening. After sunset, free, all-ages.

Wednesday, June 22: Art Brut at Black Cat
If you miss The Replacements and feel a little British, see Art Brut whenever you can. Frontman Eddie Argos has a captivating stage presence and a sloppy yet charming sense of self. The bands songs are everything but too serious. Sure, they’ll probably never top Bang, Bang, Rock & Roll because nothing can ever top the line, “We’re going to be the band that writes the song that makes Israel and Palestine get along.” They’re currently touring behind their new record, Brilliant! Tragic! and if it’s anything like their 2009 release, it’ll be just what the 25-45 year old that still wants to rock but finds this whole idea of rock ‘n’ roll somewhat laughable happy. 8 p.m., $15, all-ages.

Thursday, June 23: Erin Jackson at DC Improv
Erin Jackson might be the best stand up in D.C. She’s also the kind of comic that your mom would like. She’s not dirty, not mean, comfortable on stage, and doesn’t pander. She’s the kind of comic that could have a sitcom and still have a really good act. Actually, yes, someone give her a sitcom. Don’t cast her as the friend of a single lady figuring out who she is in the big bad city, but give her a sitcom of her own, something like Seinfeld or The Mary Tyler Moore Show. If you’ve never seen Ms. Jackson before, this would be a good one to check out. In addition to the comic’s rising stature and inevitable exodous, this is the Wellness Community fundraiser, with all proceeds going to the non-profit organization that helps people touched by cancer. 8 p.m., $50, 18+