Howard University is hosting two speakers on the topic of black-themed comic books and cartoonists at “Comics on Campus,” a symposium in the Blackburn University Center from 3 to 5:30 p.m. this Thursday. Cartoonist Kyle Baker has worked on African-American-centric titles like the historical biography Nat Turner; Truth: Red, White & Black, a story of the first Captain America, a black man;  Birth of a Nation with Aaron McGruder of The Boondocks and film director Reginald Hudlin; and The Bakers, his amusing look at his family life. Among Baker’s other works are his fan-favorite graphic novels The Cowboy Wally Show and Why I Hate Saturn, an amusing run on Plastic Man, a truly strange take on The Shadow, and the religious graphic novel King David. He’s also very funny in person. Also speaking is professor Bill Foster, who has lectured and created exhibits and books on black comic books, including his recent collection Looking for a Face Like Mine. The event is free, and on the Howard campus between 5th and 6th Streets NW.