For a quartet of New York University scientists with a habit of inserting their work into their music, the Amygdaloids make pleasantly simple songs. Take, for example, the chorus of “All in a Nut”: “Don’t get stuck in a rut/Don’t go looking too hard/It’s all in a nut/In your brain.” The nut in question is the almond-shaped group of neurons (in your brain) known as the amygdala: the band’s namesake and an extreme nerd alert. If the Amygdaloids don’t already sound like a bunch of kids who got beat up on the playground, wait until you hear how they classify their music: They call it “Heavy Mental.” In practice, they sound a bit like Elvis Costello crossed with Bill Nye. Riding the nerdiest edge of nerd rock, the Amygdaloids—neuroscientists Joseph LeDoux, Daniela Schiller, and Nina Galbraith Curley, with environmental biologist Tyler Volk thrown in for good measure—wax scientific on synapses, dominant traces, and, you know, love. The Amygdaloids perform at 6 p.m. at the Kennedy Center’s Millennium Stage, 2700 F St. NW. Free. (202) 467-4600.